Thursday 28 May 2015

Recycled Book Vending Machine

Recycled Book Vending Machine
A Barrie woman has come up with a unique way to let people on the go enjoy a good read – over and over. Her concept may have you re-thinking what you throw away.

Dana Clarke, the creator of the recycled book machine explains how it's used: “When you decide what book you want, you put the toonie in, rotate it, and out comes the book.”

This is a green book vending machine – it's the color of a granny smith apple, and an environmentally-friendly way to read. For $2, you can pick out a used book and donate one when you're done. Part of the proceeds will go to literacy programs and building schools in Africa.

Clarke plans to start a crowd-funding campaign to raise money to get these machines in train stations, bus terminals, and hospitals across Canada.

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